Despite having the word 'boiler' in the title, the Boiler Upgrade Scheme, BUS, is an upfront government grant of £5,000 for installing an air source heat pump (ASHP) system as an alternative to any fossil fuel boilers. The scheme will be based upon a voucher system operated by Ofgem and run from 1st April 2022 - 31 March 2025.

Properties do not need to have a whole-house retrofit assessment but must have an EPC with a property rating of A to G with no outstanding recommendations for loft or cavity wall insulation. If the property does not or has limited cavity wall insulation this does not prevent you from applying for the voucher, but the approved level of insulation must be installed during the voucher period and prior to the ASHP system being installed.

How the voucher scheme works
The voucher scheme is fully ‘installer-led’, which means we would apply for the voucher on your behalf and claim the voucher rebate at the end of the works.

Voucher Application
The installer must be MCS registered to provide you with a quotation and make the application for the voucher. The quotation is required to give you an idea of price before proceeding further. The value of the voucher will be deducted from the installation cost, so you only pay the lower price and the installer will claim the voucher payment.

Voucher Redemption
Upon completion, the MCS installer will submit evidence including proof of installation and technical evidence relating to the installation, commissioning and building eligibility. The grant amount will be paid directly to the installer by Ofgem.

Time Limit
The voucher has a 3-month time limit, so the installation must be completed and the voucher claimed within that time period.

Consumer Protection
All the same consumer protection measures apply to BUS as they did under the RHI. Consumers are well protected if certified companies are used. The voucher scheme has been designed to focus on pre-installation audit and compliance checks to ensure eligibility.