First and foremost we would sit with you and answer any immediate questions you may have about air source heat pumps such as:

• What are the benefits of an air source heat pump system
• Explain the requirements for installation of such a system
• How much do ASHP systems cost to install
• How long does the installation take
• What saving would I make after an installation of an ASHP

We would then provide you with additional information on the range of Samsung heat pumps we would be able to supply and show you some additional information. We would then walk your property with you to undertake an initial property assessment to see if your property would be suitable for an ASHP installation. This assessment would cover:

• Review of current energy costs for the property, for which we would require recent energy bills.
• Assessment of current heating & hot water system, including boiler, cylinder and radiators.
• Making note of the level of current insulation within the property and areas for improvement.
• Decision on where the air source heat pump components could be installed.

Following this initial property assessment, we would be able to provide you with a system recommendation and pricing which is subject to us undertaking a full technical survey, property heat loss calculation. It is imperative that a full and comprehensive property assessment is undertaken to ensure the correct sizing of the ASHP and to ensure that the projected energy savings are achieved and your voucher for the Boiler Upgrade Scheme is approved.