Renewable Energy Devices Limited (Red) was incorporated by Dr Jason Cassells, with over 20 years’ experience in the heating and water industries, in March 2014, to bring innovation, highly efficient renewable energy heating products and solutions to the marketplace.  Providing a cost effective and low Carbon alternative to fossil fuelled heating appliances.

Red has developed a market leading range of air source heat pumps along with controls, hot-water distribution and storage systems.  With the correct heating system design and installation, they can provide 5kW of heat for every 1kW of electric consumed, or in other words 500% efficient.

The heat pump design started with a blank sheet of paper, rather than an evolution of an inferior air-conditioning system and using their skills, knowledge and experience designed a renewable heating solution for both the domestic and commercial sectors of unparalleled performance.  Key objectives were efficiency, performance, noise, aesthetics, ease and simplicity of installation.

Key benefits:
• High CoP
• High energy efficiency class A++
• MCS approved and eligible for Boiler Upgrade Scheme [BUS]
• Perfect and accurate power adjustment at all seasons in the year
• Heating solution capable of 65°C
• Data collection, monitoring and adjustment via on board Wi Fi
• Up to 4 heating zones
• No buffer tank required

Conceived, designed and manufactured in Lurgan, Co. Armagh, to provide simple and efficient heating for your home or business, they are rightly proud of their achievement as we are sure you will be.